“Through Vitalize create and ideal meal plan according to your health needs and goals.”


To stay slim, energized, and feeling healthy, you have to move your body. This can be fun and enjoyable with Vitalize. Balance is the core component of our fitness plan. Whether you're an impassioned gym goer or you've never exercised in your life, this plan is customized to work with your fitness level. It includes strength training, flexibility workouts, and cardiovascular exercise. And it will leave you feeling strong, energized and fit!


Exercise & Fitness

Weight training is an important component of fitness. As in any training program, rest is an essential factor. It's important to leave a day between exercising a specific body part or muscle in order to reap the benefits of your hard work. That's because weightlifting may cause micro-tears in the muscle fiber(s) that temporarily reduce strength. These tears are thought to cause some of the soreness you feel after a new exercise or tough workout. During this crucial rest time, your muscles are building protein and getting stronger. It takes about two days to heal the muscle fibers torn by weightlifting.

If you want to lift weights every day (remember to take at least one day a week off for rest), focus on different muscle groups in three-day cycles, leaving two days in betweenthe same group.

For example:
   • Day one: back and biceps
   • Day two: chest and triceps
   • Day three: legs and abs
   • Day four: repeat day one

Other tips to consider for safer weightlifting:
   • Start with light cardiovascular activities to warm up your muscles.
   • Avoid rushing through your workout — slow and steady is recommended.
   • Day three: legs and abs
   • Day four: repeat day one