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The mind and the body are connected so it only makes sense that if your mind is working well the rest of the body will fallow. In the fallowing section on Stress Control you will learn some ways of keeping your mind in shape. Here you can take your time to learn each tip and put them to use in a daily practice.


Tips for Stresscontrol

Tip‡1: Take 40 deep slow diaphragmatic breathes each day. (Spread evenly throughout your day, not all at once at the end of the day or you might hyperventilate.) You can benefit from associating the deep breaths with some common work occurrence such as the telephone ringing or clock watching.

Tip‡2: Use regular relaxation periods for work breaks. Try fifteen to twenty minute periods of (hopefully) undisturbed time away from phone and/or family. Commit to using this for four to six weeks to begin to see the benefits.

Tip‡3: Get regular exercise. Aerobic activities such as walking, jogging, swimming, biking, etc. for 20 minutes 3 times per week is minimum. Recommended is 30 minutes or more, 4-6 times per week. But do not hurt yourself.

Tip‡4: Eat sensibly. Avoid caffeine. Do not cope with stress by using alcohol or drugs. If you are stressed out, caffeine is like throwing gasoline on a fire to put it out!

Tip‡5: Get focused on new directions and regular planning. Give yourself positive options if you feel trapped. Plan for growth in all aspects of your life, not just work and finance (family/relationships, spiritual interests, creativity, vacations, hobbies, etc.).

Tip‡6: Use and develop your humor! Positive attitudes really help difficulties, when viewed, as opportunities for growth and proving your abilities, are less harmful. But do not bury your anger, fear or sadness.

Tip‡7: Protect yourself from negative co-workers and relationships! Do not get caught up in other peoples’ negative thinking or let them rip off your peace of mind and positive energy. Take good care of yourself!!

Tip‡8: Get back in control!!! If you cannot control all the people and situations that happen around you... at least you can control the way you respond!

Tip‡9: Give sincere compliments freely and smile! Be positive and let it shine on all that surround you. It will come back many times more.

Tip‡10: Learn to really listen! It is the best communication technique that you can develop!