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Yoga is an ancient Indian body of knowledge that dates back more than 5000 years ago. The word "Yoga" came from the Sanskrit word "yuj" which means "to unite or integrate." Yoga then is about the union of a person's own consciousness and the universal consciousness.


Six Branches of Yoga

Hatha Yoga or Yoga of Postures
Hatha Yoga is perhaps the path of Yoga you are most familiar with since this is the most popular branch of Yoga in the West. This branch of Yoga uses physical poses or Asana, Breathing Techniques or Pranayama, and Meditation to achieve better health, as well as spirituality. There are many styles within this path - Iyengar, Integral, Astanga, Kripalu, and Jiva Mukti to name a few.
If what you want is a peaceful mind and a healthy body to go along with it, Hatha Yoga may just be the path for you.

Bhakti Yoga or Yoga of Devotion
Bhakti Yoga is the path most followed in India. This is the path of the heart and devotion. Yogis who practice this branch sees the "One" or the Divine in everyone and everything. Bhakti Yoga teaches a person to have devotion to the "One" or to Brahma by developing a person's love and acceptance for all things.

Raja Yoga or Yoga of Self-Control
Raja means "royal". This path is considered to be the King of Yoga and this may be due to the fact that most of its practitioners are members of religious and spiritual orders. Raja Yoga is based on the teachings of the Eight Limbs of Yoga found in the Yoga sutras.
A Raja Yogi sees the self as central, and as such, respect to oneself and for all creation are vital to this path. They achieve self-respect by first learning to be masters of themselves.
If you wish to learn discipline, then Raja Yoga would perfectly suit that need.

Jnana Yoga or Yoga of the Mind
Jnana Yoga is the path of Yoga that basically deals with the mind, and as such, it focuses on man's intelligence. Jnana Yogis consider wisdom and intellect as important and they aim to unify the two to surpass limitations. Since they wish to gain knowledge, they are open to other philosophies and religion for they believe that an open and rational mind is crucial in knowing the spirit.

Karma Yoga or Yoga of Service
Karma Yoga is the path of service for in this path, it is believed that your present situation is based on your past actions. So by doing selfless service now, you are choosing a future that is free from negativity and selfishness. Karma Yogis change their attitude towards the good and in the process, change their souls, which leads to a change in their destiny.

Tantra Yoga or Yoga of Rituals
Perhaps the most misunderstood of all the paths, Tantra Yoga is about using rituals to experience what is sacred. Although sex is a part of it, sex is not the whole of it since this path aims to find what is sacred in everything we do. Tantra Yogis must possess certain qualities like purity, humility, devotion, dedication to his Guru, cosmic love, and truthfulness among other things.

Yoga and Health

Benefits of Yoga - Why Yoga Exercise is Good for You
For years, Yoga is considered therapeutic. Researches were conducted to look at the effects of this practice in the body. Know the various health benefits brought about by practicing Yoga.
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What Yoga can Do to Your Health
Some believe that Yoga is a science of health. When Yoga is practiced correctly, it helps reduce the negative effects of stress on the mind and body and can help the body cope with aging.
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Yoga for Men
This section covers a basic Yoga routine designed for men. The exercises can go with weight training and can also help in obtaining a healthier body.  Learn More...

Yoga for Women
Women should always be healthy so they can handle everything that they need to do. Know the different Yoga Exercises that can help women in coping with stress and hormonal changes.
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Yoga for Kids
Kids today have to deal with outside pressures like after-school activities, peer pressure, and academic workloads. But with the help of Yoga, you don't have to worry anymore.  Learn More...

Yoga for the Elderly
Growing old is also the time when you are more susceptible to some ailments. For senior citizens, stay fit and healthy by doing some Yoga Exercises.  Learn More...

Yoga Styles

Anusara Yoga
Everyone who practices Anusara Yoga acknowledges that "flowing with grace" is essential in achieving physical and spiritual well-being. Know more about this Yoga Style in this section.  Learn More...

Hatha Yoga
Hatha Yoga is the most popular branch of Yoga and from which a lot of the Styles of Yoga originated including Power Yoga, Bikram Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga and Kundalini Yoga.  Learn More...

Kundalini Yoga
Kundalini Yoga focuses on the centers on awakening the Kundalini, the energy (serpent power or Bhujangini) which is found at the base of our spine or the Muladhara Chakra.  Learn More...

Bikram Yoga
The Bikram's Yoga class for beginners involves 26 Postures and two Breathing exercises in a hot room. This is to systematically move fresh, oxygenated blood to the whole body, to each organ and fiber, restoring all systems to healthy working order.  Learn More...

Ashtanga Yoga
Ashtanga Yoga is for those who are interested in serious workout. It includes challenging sequence of poses with Ujjayi Breathing and vinyasas.  Learn More...

Power Yoga
Power Yoga is the Western version of the Indian Ashtanga Yoga. It is a vigorous, physically challenging, and mentally-demanding exercise that can help you connect to your inner power.
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